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IBM DS3500 存储 68Y8432 销售-诚本信息

  • 价格范围:面议
  • 供应数量:1
  • 所在区域:北京
  • 产品类别: 通用配件 >托辊
  • 发布时间:2016-06-02 03:02:37
  • 北京华成拓天科技有限公司
  • 联系人:王为民(先生)经理
  • 电话:15330144075
  • 手机:010-56015772
  • 传真:010-61779480
  • 地址:北京市昌平区回龙观镇七小路城北中绿北展3号馆

DS3200 DS3400 39R6509 39R6510 IBM 2-Port SAS Daughter Card for DS3200

39R6568 IBM DS3200 COn trOLLER

39R6502 For a dual-con troller DS3400 storage subsystem, Fibre Channel RAID con troller replacement with 512 MB DIMM

44W2171 For a single-con troller DS3400 storage subsystem, Fibre Channel RAID con troller replacement with 512 MB DIMM

4837 39R6513 DS3400 FC Con troller Upgrade

DS3500 68Y8481 69Y2928 ds3500控制器

68Y8431 6Gb SAS 2 Port Card

68Y8432 8Gb FC Port Card

68Y8433 1Gb iSCSI 4 Port Card

DS3950 69Y2731 Model 94H: con trollers with four 8 Gbps FC host ports (two per con troller) that have 2 GB cache memory (1 GB per con troller)

69Y2730 Model 98H: con trollers with four 8 Gbps FC host ports (two per con troller) and four 1 GB iSCSI host ports (two ports per con troller)

DS4200 44X2421 44X2420 41Y0737 IBM DS4200 Con trollers Storage Con troller Dual Channel

DS4300 24P8059 24P8206 24P8961 Con troller (base model, 256 MB cache, no battery)

24P8225 Con troller (Turbo, 1 GB cache, no battery)

DS4700 39M5896/44X2423 DS4700 COn trOLLER Model 70, 1GB cache without Battery for 70A.

41Y0676/44X2426 DS4700 COn trOLLER Model 72, 2GB cache without Battery for 72A.







联系电话:15330144075 010-56015772

IBM DS3500 存储 68Y8432 销售-诚本信息

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