- 价格范围:1.00元/套
- 供应数量:500
- 所在区域:广东
- 产品类别:
- 发布时间:2016-10-23 03:01:00
- 深圳市桑尼威尔电子有限公司
- 联系人:丘先生(先生)经理
- 电话:13554829049
- 手机:0755-83045321
- 传真:0755-83045321
- 地址:福田区南光捷佳大厦3012
KODAK(柯达)品牌,200万像素逐行扫描CCD高清工业相机 CCD 芯片:KAI-02050-CBA-JB-B2 。
原装现货 特价出库。KAI-16050等等系列的 文中针对KAI-02150的参数特点设计了双通道模拟前端采集电路,性能稳定可靠,模式设置方便灵活,减轻了软件设计的负担。1 KAI-02150图像传感器芯片简介Kodak公司生产的KAI-02150是一款1080p的2/3″大小的逐行扫描行间转移CCD传感器,其主要特征有[1]:噪声低、动态范围宽。|深圳市桑尼威尔电子有限公司本公司是监控、摄像、照相等IC经销商,价格优势。专营JRC全线IC,SONY CCD,OmniVision CMOS,MICRON APTINA CMOS,SHARP CCD,NEC OSD,ZORAN DSP等监控、摄像机应用IC专卖,长期有货,24小时恭候来电13823278789,qq:9308762。
KAI-02050 Image Sensor
The KAI-02050 Image Sensor is a 2-megapixel CCD in a
2/3” optical format. based on the TRUESENSE 5.5 micron
Interline Transfer CCD Platform, the sensor features
broad dynamic range, excellent imaging performance,
and a flexible readout architecture that enables use of 1,
2, or 4 outputs for full resolution readout up to 68
frames per second. A vertical overflow drain structure
suppresses image blooming and enables electronic
shuttering for precise exposure co***ol. Other features
include low dark current, negligible lag, and low smear.
The sensor shares common pin-out and electrical
configurations with other devices based on the
TRUESENSE 5.5 micron Interline Transfer CCD Platform,
allowing a single camera design to support multiple
members of this sensor family.
Color or Monochrome configurations
Progressive scan readout