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  • 价格范围:面议
  • 供应数量:1
  • 所在区域:江苏
  • 产品类别: 机床工具 >磨床
  • 发布时间:2017-12-09 03:17:23
  • 常州山博精密机械有限公司
  • 联系人:杨润发(先生)
  • 电话:15202880604
  • 手机:0519-88296992
  • 传真:
  • 地址:常州市新北区西夏墅镇华墅社区镇南西路192号
 Universal tool and cutter grinder (CNC co***olled)安卡万能工具磨削中心Made by ANCA, model型号 TX7,  serial-n° 编号600078, year 出厂时间2002


Suitable to regrind / manufacture wood and metal working tools of all kinds.适合修磨及生产各种金属及木工加工工具 


 X-axis longitudinal stroke 行程550 mm, Z-axis vertical traverse行程 254 mm, Y-axis cross traverse 行程410 mm, C-axis rotation回转 +/- 252°, workpiece mount工件座锥度 ISO 50; max. workpiece diameter工件最大直径 200 mm, max. workpiece length工件最大长度 300 mm, grinding spindle power rating 主轴功率 18 kW, grinding spindle speed主轴转速 1800 - 8000 rpm, max. grinding wheel diameter 最大砂轮直径200 mm x 50,8 mm, connected load 装载功率25 kVA (400 volts / 50 Hz), weight 重量9500 kg, dimensions体积 w x d x h = 2060 x 2520 x 2250 mm, colour颜色 light grey RAL 7035 / light blue 5014.  


Software 软件RN23.1-3,

Pallet loader for workpieces盘式上料机 2-32 mm,

Automatic steady rest,自动尾架

Automatic fire extinguishing system,自动灭火系统


Pneumatic workpiece clamping,液压工件夹持

Stepless grinding spindle speed,步进速度控制

Automatic ce***al lubrication,自动中央润滑

Machine lamp,机床灯2

 grinding wheel mounts,砂轮杆

6 pallets for loader Ø 8,10,12,14,16,20 mm上料盘

Oil collecting pan.集油盘

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