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导语:今网书画院是全国首家网络书画院,目前拥有会员数千人,会员还在快速增长中。该院以其规模无限、免费制作网页、免费联网推广、免费发布新闻为显著特点,深受国内外艺术家关爱。今网书画院拥有中国今网( www.cnjen.cn)和安装信息网( www.zgazxxw.com)两大平台,并在这两个平台上分别设置了"雅园″、"诗画资讯“频道和栏目。由于其具有推广力度力大、地域宽、效率高、效果好、成本低等无可比拟之优势,因此本院迎来了日新月异、一日千里的快速发展局面。




被中国文艺榜评为百名中国当代文艺人物并荣获水墨中国艺术终身成就奖等二十多个奖项。多篇论文在中国书画报刋登,奧门 莲花卫视艺术面对面网、中国美术报联合推广中国大陆书画名家他连续上了三期并入编互动百科词条。2017艺术就在身边全国创作比赛获特等奖。

 In the million - word, Qin Qiao, Songjie, born in 1945 in Hunan, Wugang, performing for over 40 years, a large number of works into the society, he has the magic version and beautiful art style, art realm of influence at home and abroad of the extensive collection of works by a powerful and unconstrained style.

The Australia Sydney China calligraphy net freelance painter, member of China education television Dan ink art-college Hunan Provincial Artists Association, the international joint committee director, chief Changsha Whampoa  Calligraphy Institute distinguished painter, Chinese academy honorary president of this network.

Is Chinese assessment for hundreds of Chinese literary characters and contemporary literary awards 20 won the lifetime achievement award China art ink etc.. Many papers in Chinese book illustrated at Gordon, Macau lotus TV art face network, China art at the joint promotion of China, painting and calligraphy he got three consecutive period and compiled into Interactive Encyclopedia entries.

2017 art in the side, national creation contest won the top prize。



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