主办单位: | DMG events | 协办单位: | 北京领汇国际展览有限公司 张志珍 15136281468 |
展馆名称: | 阿联酋迪拜国际展览中心DWTC, DUBAI | 展览地点: | |
开幕时间: | 2019-11-25 | 结束时间: | 2019-11-28 |
联系方式 | |||
联 系 人: | ', 2); | 联系地址: | 北京市朝阳区农展馆南路13号瑞辰国际中心719室 |
联系电话: | 移动电话: | ||
传真: | 电子邮箱: |
2019年中东混凝土展/中东迪拜混凝土展Middle East Concrete2019/The Big 5 Heavy2019
展会时间: 2019年11月25-28日
展会地点: 阿联酋迪拜国际展览中心DWTC, DUBAI
主办单位: DMG events
举办周期: 每年一届
组展单位: 北京领汇国际展览有限公司 张志珍 ***
在过去的七年里,中东机械及混凝土展取得了很大的成功。现在,我们很荣幸的宣布一个全新、独立、大规模国际型展会—重型机械展(The big5 Heavy)。此展为五展合一展,包含混凝土、工程机械、矿业、建筑材料制造、公路建设,势必会吸引更多的观众前来参展。2019年重型机械展一定不负你所望,千万不可错过此次机遇!
作为BIG5的一部分,是中东最大的工程机械盛会,吸引超过65000位专业观众前来参观Part of The Big 5, the largest construction event in the Middle East, attracting 65,000 visitors
可以与建筑师、房地产开发商、承包商、工程师、专家、地方市政当局、负责建筑和基础设施工程的政府部门面对面交谈Meet with Architects, Property Developers, Contractors, Engineers, Specifiers, Local Municipalities, Government authorities responsible for construction and infrastructure works
从5个专业行业中选择,为您的目标市场提供保证Choose from 5 dedicated sector profiles which would offer you a guaranteed reach to your target market
来自64个参展国家的2600多家参展商参加该展会Feature alongside over 2600 other exhibitors from 64 exhibiting countries
以1亿美元以上的预算来面对高调的采购数据Get in front of high profile procurement figures working on budgets of US$ 100mn
专门的公关和营销团队来增加你的影响力Dedicated PR and Marketing teams to increase your reach
脚手架、模板等施工机械装备,预埋件、紧固件、扣件等建筑五金类产品, 干粉砂浆生产设备及控制系统,切割、焊接、绕丝等钢筋加工机械;
外加剂: 各类外加剂,如减水剂、增稠剂、氧化铁等颜料;外加材料,如钢纤维、玄武岩纤维、玻纤、聚氨酯纤维等;外加剂生产技术设备;
混凝土搅拌运输车、泵车、泵; 各类制品:商品砂浆、混凝土砌块制品、混凝土构件;
混凝土砌块、砖瓦生产机械、混合搅拌机械、沙石分离机、 搅拌站、配料站、自动控制系统;泵送机械、布料机械、 喷射机械、 浇注设备、计量设备、 振动设备;
检测、试验仪器: 分析、计量、检测仪器设备,试验检测试剂及材料;
The new Dh50 billion stimulus plan for Abu Dhabi:
A three year package designed to stimulate growth will help lift gross domestic product growth, increase consumption and revitalise the property market as the Government takes advantage of high oil prices to finance economic expansion.
Introduction of foreign ownership of companies:
Foreign investors will be able to fully own a company in the UAE, a significant departure from the current policy that restricts foreigners to a 49 per cent stake in entities based outside designated free zones.
Abu Dhabi and Dubai waive corporate fines to boost growth:
Dubai and Abu Dhabi are exempting companies from administrative fines for at least the rest of the year, as part of efforts to stimulate business growth and economic development. This decree is a positive step in promoting economic growth and consolidating Dubai’s position as one of the most important commercial and economic centres internationally.
New Visa regulations:
As expats under certain job titles are now offered 10 year residency visas, the move looks to welcome more companies to move into the region.
【混凝土展会】2020.02.04-07 美国拉斯维加斯混凝土建筑机械展World of concrete
【混凝土展会】2020.05.14-16 印度国际混凝土展Concrete Show India Mumbai
【混凝土展会】2019.09.18-21 东南亚(印尼)混凝土展Concrete Show South East Asia Indonesia
【混凝土展会】2019.09.05-07 泰国(亚洲)混凝土展Concrete Asia
【混凝土展会】2019.08.14-16 巴西国际混凝土展CONCRETESHOW SOUTH AMERICA
【混凝土展会】2019.11.25-28 中东混凝土展Middle East Concrete
【混凝土展会】2019.12.11-12 越南国际混凝土&水泥展
张志珍 ***