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2015-03-25 19:39:18 安装信息网
主办单位:  中国副食流通协会、中国合作贸易企业协会、北京明华国际展览有限公司; 协办单位:  北京明华国际展览有限公司
展馆名称:  中国北京国际会议中心 展览地点:  北京市朝阳区北辰东路8号
开幕时间:  2015-07-03 结束时间:  2015-07-05
联 系 人:  严寒 联系地址:  北京市朝阳区高碑店盛世龙源1110号A座A226
联系电话:  010-57289312 移动电话:  15311785414
传真:  010-57612607 电子邮箱:  yanhanexpo@126.com


2015 seventh session of (Beijing) international food and Beverage Exhibition China
电话:86(0)10-57289312  联系人:严寒  15311785414
中食饮展-Fifty thousand domestic and foreign high-quality buyers look forward to working with you to meet;
The 5 years since the Beijing International Food & Beverage Expo opened in China, successfully opened the six food industry exhibition; accumulation and created the only domestic database perfect precision purchaser data to achieve the super size 400000. Every year, according to data from the 400000 exhibits enterprise, inside directional invited 40000 - 60000 suitable suppliers to.
In 2015 food and Beverage Exhibition - in addition to the domestic counterparts to invite purchasers, conscious focus invited, China surrounding the 43 Asian countries and regions of the quality of traders; so in 2015 food and Beverage Exhibition procurement business scale, the development period of not less than 50000 people flow determined time! Strive for exhibitors to create an Asian There is nothing comparable to this feast of food trade!
中食饮展-Trillion food trade opportunities in Beijing;
Beijing - Chinese for world trade circulation of portal, held in Beijing "food and Beverage Exhibition" since its capture Asia's unique geographical advantages; held in Beijing "food and drink trade exhibition" depth of covering the whole China, and covered 43 countries and regions in asia! "Start with the internationalization development strategy in the food and Beverage Exhibition"; grand strategy in food and Beverage Exhibition will directly move in Asia, the huge trade "food and beverage industry tens of trillions of scale cake"! The propaganda team and efficient mode of the precision of the purchaser and the huge database as the support point, here every year to attract tens of thousands of Asian traders to quality!
中食饮展-The global food trade cooperation stage;
In recent years, with the Chinese of people's consumption level and constantly improve, people on safety, health, quality of food demand!
In the food and beverage exhibition attracted 34 domestic provinces and autonomous regions, over 40 international and regional food and beverage enterprises to participate in; foreign enterprises exhibitors accounted for 38.9% (average average ratio of six China food and Beverage Exhibition), is the domestic and international food industry exhibition, international exhibition of the highest proportion of industry! Each year thousands of high quality and safety for the domestic consumer food and beverage products;
In food and Beverage Exhibition - combined with the capital's international reputation, attracting more than million foreign buyers each year, the average quality of domestic buyers of more than 30000 people visit; is the domestic products to the international and foreign exhibits pry the perfect stage to the Chinese market!
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