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DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机

DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机 Three-in-one Carpet Machine: DTJ 2A 性能特点: 三合一式地毯抽洗机可完美呈现“简单和高效”这两大优点,为什么叫三合一,就是把吸水扒,滚刷和污水收集三种部件合为一体的设计。全不锈钢机架,机身设计灵巧,对地毯纤维进行全面清洁,外接式手扒喷水接头。透明旋转式污水箱密封盖设计,污水一目了然,防尘式透明清水箱盖,加水时污物无法带进水箱,减小喷头堵塞。 Features: Through high pressure spraying. the cleanser can be sprayed into the bottim of the carpet, so as to effectively dissolve the obstinate dirt.stain. Driven by a high power motor, the brush rotates at the speed of 600 rpm. In washing the carpet, the cleaner can open the fobre flocks of the carpet.clean the dirt off the carpet softly.thoroughly. the specially arranged roll brush can synchronistically brush apart the tingled carpet hair, making the carpet more elastic after cleaning. 强压力喷水功能,溶解顽固污渍,大功率滚刷,令清洁后地毯更富弹性,强劲吸水电机同步抽走污水。 With high pressure spraying, the cleaner can be sprayed into the bottom of the carpet, so as to effectively dissolve the obstinate dirt.stain. DTJ2A 三合一地毯抽洗机 Technical Specification 电压/频率 Voltage/Frequency: 220-230VAC/50Hz 功率 Power: 1122W 电流 Current: 5.1A 滚刷转速 Roll brush speed: 1100rpm/min 滚刷马达 Roll brush motor: 220VDC/120W 滚刷宽度 Roll brush width: 400mm 吸水马达 Water sucking motor: 1000W 吸水扒宽度 Water sucker: 460mm 喷水马达 Water sucking motor: 220VAC/110W 气流量 Air flow rate: 6inHg 清水箱容量 Clean water tank capacity: 25L 污水箱容量 Dirty water tank capacity: 36L 电源线长度Cable: 18m 重量 Weight: 45kg 包装尺寸Size: 1000x975x545 mm
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