ECKLE技术有限公司于2001开始认证。在2001,质量管理符合VDA 6.1检查第二部分审计。 符合德国VDA 6.1认证的证书随后由德国汽车制造商协会授予埃克勒液压师。 在2006,整个公司被DIN EN ISO 9001:2000通过DQS成功认证,并且这一次系统被进一步开发,并从公司的所有员工输入。 自2009年10月以来,ECKLE技术有限公司已获得认证,符合DIN EN ISO 9001:2008质量管理体系,自2017年12月起采用DIN EN ISO 9001:2015和DIN EN ISO 1400 1:2005标准,现在DIN EN ISO 1400∶1:2015环境管理系统。 在EcKLE技术有限公司的每一个员工的行为规范和指导方针在公司的政策中被定义。公司的政策既包括质量方针,也包括环境政策。 Eckerle Technologies GmbH started its certification process in 2001. In 2001, Quality management compliant with VDA 6.1 was checked with a Second Part Audit. The certification compliant with VDA 6.1 award was then bestowed by the Association of German Automotive Manufaurers on the Eckerle Hydraulics Division. In 2006, the entire company was successfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 by DQS.since this time the system has been developed further with input from all of the company’s employees. Since Oober 2009, Eckerle Technologies GmbH has been certified compliant with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 quality management systems, since December 2017 with the DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.with the standard for DIN EN ISO 14001:2005, now DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 environment management systems. The specifications.guidelines governing the aions of every employee at Eckerle Technologies GmbH are defined in the company’s policies. The company’s policy cover both the quality policy.the environmental policy. 1935年,Otto Eckerle在德国Malsch创建首家公司。开始的几年里,公司进行金属加工操作设备及专用机器的设计及制造,并获得了机动车辆汽化器技术及机动车辆木气、汽油及柴油发动装置等方面专利。 公司建于1942年的制造厂被摧毁,然而公司1945年2月才再次进入有利发展阶段。在进行制造厂重建工作的同时,公司在一个临时的厂址进行所有业务。 In 1935, Otto Eckerle founded its first company in Malsch, Germany. In the first few years, the company has designed.manufaured metal processing.operation equipment.special machinery,.obtained patents on motor vehicle carburetor technology.motor vehicle wood gas, gasoline.diesel engine. The company was built in 1942.the faory was bombed, but it was only in February 1945 that the company entered a favorable stage of development again. At the same time of rebuilding the faory, the company carries out all business at a temporary site. 工业液压Eckerle重新开发工业泵,特别是固定液压系统。他们的印象特别低噪音,易于组合创造多个泵,使用寿命长,并能承受峰值压力高达400巴。 Industrial hydraulics Eckerle has redeveloped industrial pumps especially for stationary hydraulics. They impress with their exceptionally low noise, ease of combination to . multiple pumps, long service life.ability to withstand peak pressures of up to 400 bar. 谦康实业(深圳)有限公司是一家新兴的进出口贸易公司,集设计,成产,销售为一体的综合型实业公司。公司总部位于香港,并在上海设有分公司。 公司主要生产及经营产品包括:各种液压设备,各种高低压电器,各种仪器仪表,各种电力设备,各种工控设备,以及各种电机马达、传动控制、开关插座等各种工控产品和备件。服务领域涵盖钢铁、化工、煤矿、机械制造、船舶、汽车、电力等行业。 公司依托于香港和深圳的贸易便利性而享有价格优势,公司拥有自主进出口权,可以便捷的为国内客户提供各种优质的产品,合理的价格领先于业内竞争者。 公司一直坚持“以人为本”的理念,尊重与我们有联系的各方人员,包括顾客,员工,合作伙伴及社会团体;以诚信作为公司发展的宗旨,“诚”为本,“信”为用;追求卓越,不断改善、创新,以实现公司与客户的双赢。 谦康实业(深圳)有限公司全体员工将竭诚为您服务。