所属区域: | 上海-浦东新区 | 招标业主/代理: | /中化国际招标有限责任公司 |
加入时间: | 2017.12.06 | 截止时间: | 2017-12-27 |
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1. 招标服务的名称和技术参数、投标人的主要资格和业绩条件:
1.1 服务名称:
1.2 技术要求:
(1) 本期试验为宽体第一期全机低速测力风洞试验,试验目的如下:
(2) 验证低速全机构型设计,在全机构型下进行部件选型;在全模风洞试验上进行全面低速气动特性评估。
(3) 得到宽体客机低速全机构型全面的气动试验数据,为发布初步设计阶段气动数据集提供输入。
1.3 主要资格和业绩条件
(1) 投标人必须是提供服务的供应商,否则投标将被否决。
(2) 境内投标人提供:有效的营业执照复印件、组织机构代码证、税务登记证复印件或“三证合一”后加载统一社会信用代码的营业执照复印件或事业单位法人证书复印件;
(3) 投标人注册资金或净资产不少于人民币400万元或其他等额外币(按开标当日中国银行总行首次发布的外币对人民币的现汇卖出价进行注册资金或净资产对人民币的转换以计算注册资金或净资产);
(4) 投标人具有良好的营业财务状况,充足的资金保证,并提供近三年(2014年-2016年)经审计的年度财务报表复印件;
(5) 投标人对本项目配备的试验人员应具有3年以上的与本招标项目相关的航空领域专业工作经验,并提交项目人员配备情况表(格式详见本章附件5)与项目人员简历表(格式详见本章附件6);
(6) 投标人须提供其无重大涉诉情况说明;
(7) 境内投标人需证明未被列入“信用中国”网站(www.creditchina.gov.cn)失信被执行人名单(需提供“信用中国”查询记录并加盖投标人公章)。境外投标人需提供未成为失信被执行人承诺。
(8) 投标人需提供在有效期内的ISO9001或AS9100质量体系认证证书或同等质量体系认证证书复印件并加盖投标人公章;
(9) 投标人应提供其与近5年内(2013-2017)的业绩清单并提供不少于2个的合同复印件并加盖公章,还须提供最终用户的联系方式(包括:用户名称、地址)。
(10) 银行资信证明:
(11) 本项目不接受联合体投标。
2. 资金来源:国内自筹
3. 招标方式:国际公开招标
4. 招标文件售价:本招标文件售价为1000元人民币或160美元,售后不退(邮购须另加100元人民币或16美元)。
5. 购买招标文件时间:2017年12月6日至2017年12月13日,每天9:00~16:00(北京时间,节假日除外)。
6. 网络标书销售:登陆中化招标公司网站 http://www.sinochemitc.com/zb,进入网络标书销售系统购买。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤请参考登陆页面的《使用手册》。
7. 若投标人存在虚假应标行为和以其他方式弄虚作假骗取中标的行为,其投标保证金将不予退还。
8. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2017年12月27日10:00时(北京时间)。
9. 投标文件递交地点和开标地点:上海市世纪大道1600号陆家嘴商务广场2幢2层中化招标会议室。
地 址:上海市浦东新区世纪大道1600号2幢2层
邮 编:200122
联 系 人:购买标书联系人/项目负责人:朱滢卉/叶一尘
电 话:+86-21-68758087/+86-21-68758108
传 真:+86-21-68756610
帐 号:03427900040002933
Swift No: BKCHCNBJ110
Bid No: 0747-1740SITCQ169
SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd., entrusted by the Buyer Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute, hereby carries out International Competitive Bidding for the supply of the following goods and related services, and now invites eligible bidders to attend the bidding.
1. Name and technical parameters of the bidding Service, Requirements of qualification and sales achievements by the tender:
1.1 Name of the bidding Service:
The wind tunnel test for selection of low-speed full-model aerodynamic scheme
1.2 Technical parameters and requirements:
The test in this phase is the wind tunnel test for measuring force of the whole wide-body airliner at low speed for Phase I. Its purposes are given below:
1) Verify the configuration design of the whole aircraft at low speed and select the parts for the aircraft configuration. During the full-model wind tunnel test, fully evaluate the aerodynamic characteristics at low speed.
2) Obtain complete aerodynamic test data for wide-body aircraft configuration at low speed in order to provide input information to release the aerodynamic data sets.
Others technical parameters and requirements could refer to the bidding documents.
1.3 Requirements of qualification and sales achievements:
(1) The bidder must be the supplier of the service, otherwise the bid will be rejected.
(2) Domestic bidders shall provide: Valid photocopy of business license, organization code certificate, photocopy of tax registration certificate, photocopy of business license attached with unified social credit code after “integrating the three certificates into one document “or the photocopy of Legal Person Certificate of Public Institutions;
Overseas bidders shall provide: Its business registration/business certificate;
(3) The Bidder's registered capital or net assets shall be not less than RMB 4,000,000 or equivalent amount in foreign currency (and amount in foreign currency shall be converted into RMB based on the selling spot exchange price firstly issued by the Head Office of Bank of China on the bid opening date, in order to calculate the registered capital or net assets);
(4) The bidder shall boast sound operating financial conditions, adequate capital guarantee, and provide the copy of audited annual financial statement for the last three years (2014-2016);
(5) The test personnel arranged by the Bidder for the test shall have professional aviation-related project experiences for over 3 years. In addition, the Bidder shall submit the personnel allocation list for the project (refer to Annex 5 in this chapter for detailed formats) and resumes of the project personnel (refer to Annex 6 in this chapter for detailed formats);
(6) The Bidder shall provide the explanations for no lawsuits involved;
(7) Domestic bidder shall prove that he is not included into the list of breach of the persons subjected to the execution from CREDITCHINA.GOV.CN (www.creditchina.gov.cn) (and provide the inquiry record from the website and seal it with the Bidder's official seal). Foreign bidder shall commit that he does not lose credit and is not subject to execution.
(8) The Bidder shall provide the ISO9001/AS9100 quality system (or equivalent) authentication certificates and relevant copies within validity period. In addition, the certificates and copies must be sealed with the Bidder's official seal;
(9) Performance requirements:
The bidder shall provide the list of their performance for the last 5 years (2013-2017), provide copies of at least 2 contracts with official seals, and provide the contact information (including name and address) of ultimate users.
(9) Bank reference letter:
1) Domestic bidder shall provide the bank reference letter from the bank which the basic account was opened, issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy.
2) Foreign bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy.
(10) Joint bidding is not accepted in the tendering. The bidder shall be the Service Provider, otherwise, its bid will be rejected.
Others qualification requirements could refer to the bidding documents.
2. Source of fund: self-financing
3. Form of bidding: international competitive bidding
4. Price of Bidding Document: RMB 1000 or USD 160 for one complete set of package. Bidding Document is non-refundable (if mail orders, with additional RMB 100 or USD 16).
5. Time for obtaining Bidding Documents: 9:00~16:00 (Beijing Time) every day (excl. holidays) hereafter from 2017-12-6 to 2017-12-13.
6. Online purchasing bidding documents: to log on the website http://www.sinochemitc.com/zb to purchase the bidding documents. The purchaser should register first (free of charge), and refer to the manual for specific purchasing procedures.
7. If a bidder is found to have any behavior such as false response to bidding and some other fraudulent means for winning the bidding, the bidder’s deposit will not be refunded.
8. Deadline of Bid Submission and Bid Opening Time: 10:00am (Beijing Time), 2017-12-27..
9. Address of Bidding Documents Submission and Bid Opening: Zheng Xin hall, floor 2, block 2, Lujiazui Business Plaza, No. 1600,Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122, P. R. China.
SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd
Address: floor 2, block 2, Lujiazui Business Plaza, No. 1600,Century Avenue, Shanghai 200122 P. R. China.
Post code: 200122
Tel: +86-21-68758087/+86-21-68758108
Fax: +86-21-68756610
Contact person: Zhu Yinghui/Ye YiChen
Account information for purchasing Bidding Documents (RMB):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch
Bank Name: Agricultural Bank of China, Shanghai Futures Tower Branch.
Account No.: 03427900040002933
Account information for purchasing Bidding Documents (foreign currencies):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Account No.: 349356025282 (USD)
348060237855 (EURO)
348056025289 (OTHERS)
Swift No: BKCH CN BJ 110
Sinochem International Tendering Co.,Ltd is the exclusive tendering agency of above project. We announce the tender information on www.chinabidding.com, www.chinabidding.com.cn, http://www.sinochemitc.com/only and it is forbidden to be republished elsewhere by any other company or person without authorization. Hereby we solemnly state that Sinochem International Tendering Co., Ltd will not be responsible for any consequences caused by reprint (The potential Tenderer shall contact designated person of our company stated in the tender book).