所属区域: | 北京-朝阳区 | 招标业主/代理: | 中国石化国际事业有限公司/ |
加入时间: | 2021.09.09 | 截止时间: | |
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摘要:本公告受中国石化国际事业有限公司委托发布,发布日期:2021-09-10,公告主要内容为:北京朝阳区中石化国际事业华南有限公司2021年进口印尼煤保供内部企业 印尼煤招标公告,所属区域:北京-朝阳区,所属行业分类:能源化工,采购业主:中国石化国际事业有限公司,招标编号:0712-214062105048,招标文件售价:人民币:1000,美元,公告类型:招标公告。
招标物资: 印尼煤
招标数量: 250000.0吨
7.招标文件售价:人民币:1000 ,美元:200
联系方式:华南招标中心 wzyanglc@sinopec.com
12.其他说明:印尼煤招标投标人基本条件 Basic Conditions for Bidder(s) of Indonesian Coal Tendering 1.1 投标人类型 Types of Bidder(s) 投标人须为下列两种企业类型之一并满足相应要求: The Bidder shall be one of the following two types of enterprises and meet the corresponding requirements: 1.1.1 中国境外生产商(以下条件满足任意一项) If the bidder is a coal manufacturer outside of China, the bidder shall meet any one of the following conditions: (1)在印尼拥有自有煤矿且产能300万吨及以上,需提供煤炭产能相关证明文件。 owning a coal mine in Indonesia with a Production Capacity of 3,000,000.00 Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall provide the relevant documentation to prove the Coal Production Capacity; or (2)在印尼参股控股煤矿且权益产能300万吨及以上,需提供权益煤炭产能(核定产能*占股比例)相关证明文件。 being a shareholder of a coal mine in Indonesia with an Equity Production Capacity of 3,000,000.00 Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall provide the relevant documentation for Equity Coal Production Capacity (Approved Production Capacity * Share Ratio). 1.1.2 中国境外流通商(以下条件必须同时满足) If the bidder is a coal trader outside of China, the bidder shall meet all of the following conditions: (1)投标人的母公司或所属集团公司是煤炭生产企业; The Parent Company or Group Company of the Bidder shall be a coal production enterprise; (2) 投标人拥有2019年至2020年两年内销售中国境内2000万吨以上煤炭经营业绩; The Bidder shall have sales volume of more than 20,000,000.00 Metric Tons of coal in China within two years from 2019 to 2020; (3)投标人承诺所供应的印尼煤是从国外矿方采购的第一手资源,并提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。 The Bidder shall undertake that the Indonesian Coal offered in this tendering is purchased directly from a Indonesian miner, and shall provide a Letter of Undertaking signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative; 1.2 投标人须提供在中国境外注册的商业登记证或其他中国境外注册证明文件。 The Bidder shall provide the business registration certificate registered outside of China or other certification documents registered outside of China; 1.3 投标人须提供2018年至2020年三年的年度财务报表。 The Bidder shall provide the three years financial report from 2018 to 2020; 1.4 投标人供应的印尼煤曾于2018年至2020年三年内在中国境内大型化工企业煤制氢装置水煤浆锅炉使用,并至少提供一份客户使用报告或销售合同等相关证明文件。 The Indonesian Coal supplied by the Bidder shall have been used in the coal-water slurry boiler of a large scale chemical enterprise’s coal-to-hydrogen plant in China within the three years from 2018 to 2020. The Bidder shall provide at least one Customer Usage Report or Sales Contract and/or other relevant supporting documents; 1.5 投标人未处于被中国石化给予风险停用、违约停用处理期内。 The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to risk suspension and/or default suspension by the SINOPEC; 1.6投标人未处于被责令停产停业、暂扣或者吊销许可证、暂扣或者吊销执照的情形;企业不存在进入清算程序,或者被宣告破产,或其他丧失履约能力的情形。须提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。 The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to suspend production and/or business, temporary suspension or revocation of any permit and/or license by the relevant authorities. The company shall not be under liquidation procedure, declared bankrupt and/or other situation of losing capacity to perform. The letter of undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative; and 1.7 投标人2018年至2020年三年内未发生重大安全环保责任事故,须提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。 There was no major safety and/or environmental liability accident occurred related to the Bidder’s company from 2018 to 2020. The Letter of Undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative.