中式风格:亲近自然,朴实,亲切,简单却内藏丰富意涵,展现出了中国传统艺术的永恒美感。 Chinese style: close to nature, simple, friendly, simple but rich in meaning built, showing the traditional Chinese art of eternal beauty.
现代简约风格:简约风格不仅注重室内的实用性而且还体现出了工业化社会生活的精致与个性符合现代人的生活品位。 Modern minimalist style: simple style not only focus on the practicality of room, but also reflects the industrial character of social life in line with modern sophistication and quality of life.
欧式风格:以其典雅,高贵的气质见长,曲线趣味,非对称法则,色彩柔和艳丽,崇尚自然,罗马柱,有着精细室内装饰的壁炉,楼梯栏杆,装饰性雕刻,能让欧式风格更显魅力。 European style: its elegant and noble temperament known, curve fun, non-symmetric rule, soft colors, gorgeous, nature-lovers, Roman, has a fine interior of the fireplace, staircase railings, decorative carving, allow more European style charm .
日式风格:讲究淡雅和简洁,用清晰的线条勾画出空间的轮廓,居室布置优雅,清洁,有较强的几何感 , 木格拉门 , 半透明樟子纸和榻榻米木板地台。 Japanese-style: pay attention to elegant and simple, with clear lines outline the contours of space, home furnishings elegant, clean, strong sense of geometry, wood Benguela doors, translucent paper and tatami Wooden floor Zhang sub-units.
前卫风格:比简约更加凸显自我,张扬个性,比简约更加凸显色彩对比。 Avant-garde style: simple and more prominent than the self, individuality and become even more prominent than the simple color contrast. 无常规的空间解构,大胆鲜明对比强烈的色彩布置,以及刚柔并济的选材搭配。 Deconstruction of the conventional free space, bold colors contrast strongly layout, and hardness with softness in the selection mix.