广州天造(TIJO)隔断是一家集研发,设计,生产,销售,安装,售后服务为一体的隔断企业。旗下生产的活动隔断(65,85,100)型;办公固定隔断(80,100)两大产品,三十多个系列。 本公司引进了美国新颖的设计理念,融合自主多年的市场需要,在国内用拥有多个研发专利。天造隔断以质量第一,服务至上的经营理念,以满足客户的需求,让你的场所更加展现辉煌!
Guangzhou TIJO partition, is a collection research and development, design, production, sale, installation and after-sales service as one of the partition business. Mobile partition its production activities (65,85,100); office fixed partition (80,100) two major products, over 30 series. The company introduced a new design concept the United States, the integration of autonomy for many years the needs of the market, with more than one in the country with R & D patent. TIJO to cut off the first quality, service-oriented business philosophy, to meet customer needs, more places to show you the glory!
手机:18620880765 QQ:78972062
公司电话:020-37426885 37426887 传真:020-37426887
Email:tijogd@163.com 官方网站:www.tijogd.com