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  • 所在区域: 浙江
  • 价格范围: 面议
  • 发布日期: 2014-11-14 03:36:59
  • 有 效 期: 2020-12-22
  • 供应数量: 1000
  • 乐清市杰航电气有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 雷帆(女士)
  • 电  话: 0577-61717785
  • 移动电话: 13736768580
  • 传  真: 0577-61717778
  • 地  址: 浙江乐清市柳市镇东岸工业区

乐清杰航电气有限公司 特价现货供应西门子井筒开关C25315-A39(煤矿提升机专用井筒开关) Proximity switch C25315-A39-A SIEMENS西门子:C25315-A39-A2S、C25315-A39-A23、C25315-A39-A2 V24584-G9-A5、C25315-A39-A2-3KONT、C25315-A39-A2-3德国蒂芬巴赫:TIEFENBACHesMST2/1、esMST2/2 电话:0577-61717785 13736768580               传真:0577-61717783 This Proximity switch for mining and industry is flame-proof and explosion-proof as laid down in the guidelines 94/9/EG(ATEX). It is authorized for equipment in the following categories. Group I:For use in underground mine workings and above-ground installation that may be endangered by mine gas and/or coal dust. corresponding to the designation'      I  M2  E  EX  de  I Group II:For use in other areas that may be endangered by a potentially explosive atmosphere.   电话:0577-61717785 13736768580 传真:0577-61717783 which corresponds to the designation     II  2G  E  EX  de  II  B,  T3 Certificate  number:  BVS  03  ATEX  E  316 Type plate information:
  • Manufacturer: SIEMENS
  • Address,year,product no.:45117 Essen       Bj 2003        F.Nr.   ......
  • Type ,technical data:  C25315-A39-A..-..     230V  AC  1A  /   30VA
  • Protection class:  II  2G  E  EX  de  II B,  T3            I  M2  E  EX  de  I
  • Approval, CE  mark:  BVS  03  ATEX  E  xxx               CE0158
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