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Instron 3343 3344 3345 拉力试验机

  • 所在区域: 上海
  • 价格范围: 面议
  • 发布日期: 2015-01-02 03:37:05
  • 有 效 期: 2016-12-23
  • 供应数量: 0
  • 米力光国际贸易有限公司
  • 联 系 人: 周先生(先生)
  • 电  话: 862160447629
  • 移动电话: 18016079478
  • 传  真: 
  • 地  址: 中国上海上海上海市闵行区浦涛路75弄50号

Instron 3342 Instron 3343 Instron 3344 Instron 3345 拉力试验机

The 3340 Series Single Column Systems are ideal for tension and/or compression applications wher tests are less than 5 kN (1,100 lbf), lab space is limited, and wher free access to the test area is desirable. The 3340 Series Single Column Testing Systems provide simplicity, performance, and affordability for quality control (QC) labs and production testing. 


·         100:1 force range (i.e. use the load cell to 1.0% of capacity with no loss of accuracy)

·         Load accuracy of 0.5% of indicated load

·         500Hz data acquisition rate (Bluehill® 3)

·         100Hz data acquisition rate (Bluehill & Bluehill Lite)

·         Full software control (cyclic capability optional)

·         Automatic transducer recognition

·         Thousands of optional grips and fixtures

·         Optional temperature chambers

·         Color: Grey base with white columns

·         Full CE compliance

Range of Models

Instron 3342

·         0.5 kN (112 lbf) load capacity

·         651 mm (25.6 in) vertical test space

·         Reduced overall height for compact size and low weight

Instron  3343

·         1 kN (225 lbf) capacity

·         1067 mm (42 in) vertical test space

Instron  3344

·         2 kN (450 lbf) capacity

·         1067 mm (42 in) vertical test space

Instron 3345

·         5 kN (1,125 lbf) capacity

·         1123 mm (44.2 in) vertical test space

·         1383 mm (54.4 in) vertical test space (Extra-height model)

Instron 3342 Instron 3343 Instron 3344 Instron 3345 拉力试验机


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