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CartiGen Bioreactor

  • 米力光国际贸易有限公司
  • 联系人:周先生(先生)
  • 电话:18016079478
  • 手机:862160447629
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  • 地址:中国上海上海上海市闵行区浦涛路75弄50号
C10-12c CartiGen Bioreactor 反应器
The C10-12c system has been designed as a multi-sample bioreactor system that is able to support a wide range of cell and tissue growth experiments. This chamber can accommodate up to 12 disc shaped samples with a maximum size of 10mm diameter x 5mm thick. The C10-12c's unique design includes optical grade windows on the bottom of the chamber, allowing researchers to view their samples with a confocol microscope without interrupting the culturing process. Optional features such as additional mechanical transducers customize the instrument for the specific research application.

The C9-x system has been designed as a multi-sample bioreactor system that is able to support a wide range of cell and tissue growth experiments. The chamber can accommodate up to 9 disc shaped samples with a maximum size of 8mm diameter x 5mm thick. The C9-x's unique design integrates porous platens within the bottom of the chamber to permit perfusion through the sample constructs. This feature allows researchers to direct flow through the construct while applying oscillatory compressive stimulation. Optional features such as additional mechanical transducers and perfusion systems customize the instrument for the specific research application.


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