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1.YP系列揉面压皮机是面食加工的主要设备,可揉压各种酥性、韧性面团。经过揉压的面团制作的食品松软,美观。 2.该机结构简单,使用维修方便,压辊间隙在一定范围内(1-25mm)无级调节。 3.广泛应用于食堂、饭店,及其他面食加工单位 1. The YP series dough rollers are the main equipments for food processing, It can roll.knead all kinds of crisp.toughness dough. Food made from this dough is fragrant.attractive. 2. It has the characters of simple structure, easy operation.maintenance performance. The thickness of the dough sheet can be adjusted at will to a certain degree.(1-25mm) 3. It is widely used in dining hall, restaurant.other catering.food processing units. 型号 Model 机重 (千克) Weight (Kg) 轧辊尺寸 (毫米) Roller Size (mm) 外型尺寸 (毫米) Dimension (mm) 轧辊间隙 (毫米) Gap between Rollers (mm) 轧辊转速 (转/分钟) Roller Speed (r/min) 三角带 V-belt 功率 (千瓦) Power (kw) YP350 103.5 ø113×350 560*410*870 1-25 90 A1219 1.5 YP500 112 ø113×500 710*410*870 1-25 90 A1219 1.5
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